About Pig

PIG: Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hooves, bristly hair, large head and a cartilaginous snout which is a very acute sense organ, used to dig into the soil to find foodPigs include the domestic pig, its ancestor the wild boar, and several other wild relatives. Pigs are omnivores which means that they consume both plants and animals. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves, grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. They are highly social, curious, sensitive and intelligent animals.
With around 2 billion individuals alive at any time, the domesticated pig is one of the most numerous large mammals on the planet.
Unfortunatelly this nice animal is mostly raised as livestock by farmers for meat and leather.  Because of their foraging abilities and excelent sense of smell, they are also used to find truffles in many European countries. 
Pigs are intelligent, they are learning easily and can be trained to perform numerous tasks and tricks. Recently, they have enjoyed a measure of popularity as house pets.

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