The Truth About Pigs

For most of us, the thought of pigs conjure images of dirty, greedy animals living in their own waste. We couldn't be more wrong! Pigs don't perspire, and so wallow in mud to keep themselves cool. They are naturally very clean animals and, if given the choice, they prefer to cool themselves down in fresh water. When in a natural environment, pigs build communal nests and toilet areas away from their sleeping area.

Pigs are remarkably intelligent creatures thought by many to be smarter than dogs. They can be trained to respond to simple voice commands, and are easily toilet trained. Studies have revealed that pigs have a long memory and are able to focus on specific tasks even better than some primates. 

About 24 hours before giving birth, pregnant mother pigs will temporarily leave the social group in order to collect branches and soft material to build a nest. The mother will stay isolated in her nest with her newborns for the first week, which allows her to develop a strong bond between herself and her piglets.

Unlike dogs or humans, pigs never dangerously overeat-even when given access to unlimited food.

* Pigs are not a factory machines.
* Pigs are smart, they undarstant what is going arround.
* Pigs are sensitive.
* Pigs are curious.
* Pigs are highly social animals.

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